Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru / 31728AA050

Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru Impreza / Forester / Legacy / Outback / Baja. 4EAT PhaseII Transmission 1998-2007. OEM number 31728AA050.

Status: New
Reference: OE_31728AA050
ATTENTION: 100% certainty in selecting the correct part is given only by the car's VIN number. If in doubt, please quote your body number in the comments when placing your order or send us a message
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Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru / 31728AA050

Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru / 31728AA050

Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru Impreza / Forester / Legacy / Outback / Baja. 4EAT PhaseII Transmission 1998-2007. OEM number 31728AA050.


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Automatic Transmission Filter for Subaru / 31728AA050
Drivetrain Automatic Transmission, Filters
Production Year
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
Reference: OE_31728AA050

We are completely satisfied with the VIN number of the car.
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but we aggregate many items from our cooperating stores,
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This allows us to complete orders made up of more items.

Yes, these are the same parts offered by authorized service centers.
A new car is assembled from identical components.

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